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5 Ways Technology Has Changed Education Techniques

August 2, 2024

Education is constantly evolving as teachers explore new methods to manage their classrooms. As technology has advanced and entered nearly every part of human existence, educators have explored new ways to use tools, apps and gadgets in the classroom. Traditional blackboards have been replaced with smartboards while physical books have been replaced with e-books. 

Technology has also changed how students learn, as the modern classroom moves from a passive lecture experience to a more engaging environment. Keep reading to explore the role of technology in schools and how it helps students of all ages and abilities. 

Examples of Technologies Used in Education

You can find technology in almost any classroom, from kindergarteners playing online games to learn numbers to high school students collaborating digitally on physics projects. Here are just a few examples of how technology has become ubiquitous in learning. 

  • Learning management platforms: Teachers can use digital tools to share lessons with students and track their performance in real time. This allows them to adjust their lessons based on what their students need.  
  • Gaming apps: Students can play games to reinforce concepts and test their knowledge in a lower-stress environment compared to quizzes or tests. 
  • Digital whiteboards: Teachers can take notes on digital boards and then share them with students later. They can also incorporate mixed media into their lessons. 
  • Communication boards and online discussion tools: Students can ask questions and have group discussions in safe online environments. 
  • Laptops and tablets: The modern classroom has moved from pencil and paper to digital systems. This opens up a world of apps and tools for educators. 
  • Artificial intelligence: Some educators are embracing artificial intelligence in the classroom, developing lesson plans that incorporate these tools. 

Technology has become a staple of education, and modern teachers must be prepared to use these tools. Pursuing a master’s degree in education through an online education program can help you stay on top of technology trends and use these tools effectively. 

5 Ways Technology Has Transformed Teaching and Learning

While technology can be found in almost any American classroom, the value it provides depends on who is using it. Effective teachers can use apps and digital tools to connect with students and create a valuable learning environment. Here are a few ways technology has changed how students learn.  

1. Classroom Management

Technology has the potential to improve classroom management to create a better learning environment for students. For example, digital tools can grade homework and tests so teachers can allocate their time to other activities, like helping students and communicating with parents. Technology can also empower shy students to ask questions if they can share them digitally. Teachers can help every student, even those too embarrassed to talk in front of others or admit they are confused. 

Even administrative work like making seating charts is easier with technology. Teachers can make digital charts and adjust them as needed throughout the year, saving time over paper models. 

2. Personalized Learning

Personalized learning is the idea that every student is at a different point in their learning journey and should receive instruction based on where they are. If students are given 20 vocabulary words, one student might be familiar with 18 of them while another knows 10. It can be frustrating for advanced students to learn material they already know, while students who need more instruction might feel inadequate compared to their peers.  

Technology allows teachers to create custom learning experiences. For example, a vocabulary game will help one student focus on terms they are struggling with while allowing a more advanced learner to discover new words. Both students can spend the same amount of time learning and won’t compare their performance to each other. 

Personalized learning can also accommodate different learning styles, like visual learners who respond to graphics in apps and auditory learners who enjoy hearing about new ideas.  

3. Collaboration and Communication

Digital tools make collaboration and communication easier than ever. Students can email teachers, post questions in discussion groups and even leave comments on their online assignments. Teachers can address questions and concerns before the next school day, preventing students from falling behind. 

Technology also makes collaboration easier. Students can sign into an app on their tablets and work together on a project or study together for a test. Even simple tools like Google Docs can create a space for students to collaborate on notes and share them. 

4. Accessibility

Disabilities come in a variety of forms, from hearing and vision impairments to learning disorders like dyslexia and dyscalculia. Technology supports all students through personalized learning, which allows kids to explore concepts at their own pace. Tech can also make learning easier for students through assisting devices. Here are a few examples:

  • Students who are blind or who have reading challenges can use screen readers to receive information orally. 
  • Students with physical impairments or who are blind can use speak-to-text tools for writing. 

Technology can also support diverse classrooms. Students who are currently learning English can engage in science and math lessons in their primary language online. This way they don’t fall behind in other subjects while they are building English fluency. 

5. Mental Health Support

Students who are struggling in the classroom or at home can also receive mental health support online. They can reach out to teachers or administrators digitally without having to make their concerns public to the rest of the class. Digital tools can help combat cyberbullying or help adults learn when they need to intervene because of abuse. 

Poor mental health can directly affect academic performance. If teachers know that a student is struggling, they can get them help so the child or teen can return to the classroom with confidence. 

Strategies for Incorporating Technology in the Classroom

Though technology is an invaluable tool, it still needs to be applied strategically. Educators need to know how each app or game will affect their classroom and change how students learn. Here are a few tips to get the most out of your tech tools. 

  • Look for multi-use apps: Find tools that you can use throughout the year within your lesson plans, rather than apps for specific lessons. 
  • Develop digital literacy lesson plans: Teach your kids how to use technology before incorporating it. 
  • See what your peers use: Ask other educators for recommendations to see what technology they like.
  • Only add one new tool at a time: This gives you and your students time to learn how to use it. You can also test its effectiveness.
  • Search for interactive activities: Get students involved in the learning process. 
  • Consider subject-specific tools: Many companies create apps and games for specific topics and grade levels. 

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to earn your degree. You can continue your own education to better understand how to effectively teach digital literacy and incorporate the best possible tools into your classroom. There are thousands of apps, games and websites for teachers to support student learning. Learn how to evaluate your options and choose the best ones for your students. This will help you reap the benefits of technology in education without overwhelming little learners.Â