Provides a framework for individualizing behavioral supports using a functional behavioral paradigm. Students learn theory, core concepts, and applied methods involved in functional behavioral assessment (FBA) that translate into evidence-based prevention and intervention planning. Special attention is given to the student-in-context: ecological systems, intraindividual factors such as trauma, medical considerations, and family phenomenologies, and school initiatives such as multi-tiered systems of support. At the completion of the course, participants conduct functional behavioral assessments, create evidence-based and individualized support plans, and critique the theory and practice of this specific and specialized form of behavioral support planning vis-a-vis cultural, theoretical, and practical experiences of themselves as practitioners and the students they serve. Graduate students analyze research and then design and deliver a professional development seminar to schools they identify as needing improvement in the area of FBA and behavioral intervention planning. Note: This course is part of the required course sequence for the elementary grades “mild-moderate add-on special education certification” in the state of Louisiana.
3.0 Credit Hours